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Irvin Scott


I just finished your work, Power and Position! I went on line to see what you are doing and I came upon your blog. I am a fan of Meg Wheatley, Ervin Laslow, and now Barry Oshry. I am also a fulltime, doctoral student at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. I am convinced your work has poweful implications for an Urban Education Renaisssance in America.

I am writing in response to your posting on poverty because it's my belief that social issues like poverty and urban educational improvement are inextricably linked. Consequently, they require a triadic framework for designing strategies for improvement, not unlike the one designed by Robert Keidel from the Wharton School.

In order to sustain improvement over time, the work must be addressed on three fronts: Hierarchical Accountability, Collective Accountability, and Autonomous Accountability.

Hierarchical refers to the responsibility of institutions and individuals with positional power. For example, the government, directors, etc.

Collective Accountability refers to the responsibility of those who are not directly affected by the challenges of the poor. John Donne taught us in a poem that we are all intertwined in grand web of humanity.

Autonomus Accountability refers to what we, the poor need to do to improve our plight. As you discuss in your work, members have power...not just the middles and directors.

I look forward to reading more of your works.

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