The Terrible Dance of Power is alive and as dysfunctional as ever. It has made its ugly entry into Mali, into the city of Timbuktu, until recently a tolerant and easy-going destination. (New York Times) As usual, the dance is cloaked in a great and noble cause. What could be greater and nobler than another one of those one true religions? Goodbye to radio music, cigarettes, short dresses, bars, centuries-old monuments. Welcome full face-covering veils. Goodbye to liberty. Sanda Ould Boumana, a spokesman for Ansar Dine (Defenders of the Faith), put the matter simply - "When you accept that there is Islam, you have to accept that there is Shariah." Case closed. Mr. Boumana dismisses any judgment from the U.S., pointing to its invasion of Iraq. But that was different, right? That was a great and noble cause, wasn't it? For further details, Download The Terrible Dance of Power-1
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