At the end of World War II, as the details of the Holocaust were being made public - describing the systematic murder of millions of men, women, and children - people were saying Oh my God, I just didn’t know! Maybe they knew and maybe they didn’t.
The government certainly didn’t want them to know. For years, the people who were about to be systematically murdered were never called people – human beings just like the rest of us. They were called vermin, trash, degenerates, traitors, thieves, poisoners of German precious blood – anything except human beings. In the years before their extermination, they were regularly oppressed – deprived of their rights and freedoms, humiliated publicly. Much (not all) of the public took pleasure in seeing these humans-called-vermin being justly punished.
The Latest Cleansing of the United States
In the coming years, as the consequences are revealed of our leaders’ plan to cleanse the United States of America of undocumented immigrants (unwanted men, women and children) please do not comfort yourself with I Just Didn’t Know.
Because you do know. For years, some leaders have been systematically dehumanizing these people. They have been described as vermin, the worst, thieves, rapist, murderers, stealers of our jobs. Never are they described as human beings just like you and me. The more thoroughly we accept that picture, the easier it will be for our leaders to get rid of them. Who wouldn’t want to get rid of vermin?
Our leaders know the power of lies – just repeat the lie again and again, deny all evidence that proves the lie a lie, and soon enough the people (you, maybe?) will accept the lies as truths. And so the lies keep coming – a murder wave that never happened, rapes that never happened, thefts of jobs that never happened. Denials of lies are called lies. Truths are called lies. Facts are called lies.
Why are they here? We are never told the truths of why these human beings (documented or undocumented) are here. Are they here because they believe that the United States is an ideal place to murder, rape, and steal? (Come to the US and murder and rape to your heart's content!) Of course not. They are here to escape the violence that threatens them and their loved ones in their home countries; they are here to escape the poverty and corruption in their home countries; they are here because the United States promises freedom and opportunity – the ability to work here, raise families, contribute to the well-being of the community and nation. Is that so different from your motivations?
Our leaders don’t see them that way; they see them as dangers, polluters, poisoners, thieves. Our leaders are obsessed with cleanliness, with purity, with being germ-free. These other human beings are seen as germs threatening the purity of this nation.
That is our leaders’ sickness. It is disease posing as policy.
Do not let them infect you with their disease.
REQUEST: Please, discuss this piece with family and friends. Share it widely with your personal and social networks. We must not be passive bystanders as this atrocity is being carried out in our name. Immigration is a complex problem and needs to be dealt with wisely and humanely – not as one more dirty episode in the world’s history of ethnic cleansing.
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